AI chat tools

BetterYeah AI

Enterprise-class AI application development platform




BetterYeah AI Agent is an enterprise-class AI application development platform focused on building business-expert AI job assistants. Built-in a variety of mature templates, powerful out-of-the-box, can be quickly applied to the ground. Support privatization deployment to ensure enterprise data security. One-click analysis of enterprise data, processing graphics, hyperlinks, tables and other knowledge data, to achieve self-learning iteration. Provide intelligent customer service, sales consultant and other application scenarios to help enterprises reshape business processes.
BetterYeah AI
It can be used to build AI work assistants such as intelligent customer service, sales consultants, recruitment assistants, and planning experts to help enterprises reshape business processes and improve work efficiency.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Companies can use BetterYeah to quickly build intelligent customer service robots, improve customer service efficiency and reduce labor costs.
  • Sales can use BetterYeah to develop sales AI assistants to provide customers with intelligent sales services.
  • HR can develop recruitment AI assistant with BetterYeah to realize intelligent resume screening, interview scheduling and other functions.

The features of the tool:

  • Built-in a variety of mature templates, out of the box
  • Support private deployment to ensure data security
  • One-click analysis of enterprise data to achieve self-learning iteration
  • It can be quickly applied and seamlessly integrated into the enterprise system
  • Provide intelligent customer service, sales consultant and other application scenarios

Tool’s Tabs: AI development platform, intelligent customer service

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