AI business tools

CEOBUYSELL – Tracks insider CEO stock trading




CEOBUYSELL tracks and reports on insider stock trading by ceos of public companies. Follow business leaders to buy or sell shares in their own companies.
The product is suitable for investors and traders interested in the stock market, who can gain insider information and make informed investment decisions by tracking the trading behavior of ceos.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • One student successfully invested through insider trading alerts
  • An individual investor trades by imitating the behavior of a well-known CEO
  • A financial assistant conducts research and analysis through transparent data on CEO transactions

The features of the tool:

  • Receive real-time notifications from ceos buying and selling stocks
  • Browse each CEO’s deal history
  • Intelligent search and filtering
  • Custom watch list
  • Easy to use pricing plan

Steps for Use:

  • Create your account
  • Custom insider trading notification alerts
  • Personalize watch lists with smart search and filters
  • Stay up to date with daily summaries and industry analysis reports
  • Evaluate the CEO’s deal history and make informed investment decisions

Tool’s Tabs: Investments, stocks

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