AI image tools


AI creation platform based on generative avatars




DigenAI is an applied AI research company dedicated to revolutionizing the way video is created. It provides users around the world with access to turn imagination into reality. DigenAI provides generative avatar-based video creation to simplify the creative process and generate great video work. Currently in the public beta phase, users are welcome to join the experience.
Video creation, advertising marketing, digital content production
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • The company uses DigenAI to create marketing videos that dramatically increase creative efficiency by rendering the brand image realistically with generated avatars.
  • Individual creators use DigenAI to generate video footage and create high-quality digital content in a short amount of time.
  • Students use DigenAI for video report production, using generative avatars to vividly express ideas and enhance the attractiveness of their work.

The features of the tool:

  • Video creation based on generative avatars
  • Simplify the creative process
  • Generate high quality video
  • The beta version is free to experience

Tool’s Tabs: AI generation, video creation

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