AI Office Tools

Hand Talk

Use artificial intelligence to automatically translate text and audio into American Sign Language and Brazilian Sign language




The Hand Talk App uses artificial intelligence to automatically translate text and audio into American Sign Language (ASL) and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). Selected as the “World’s Best social app” by the United Nations, the app aims to help the world’s 466 million deaf and hard of hearing people better integrate into society through technology and communication. Since the launch of the Hand Talk plugin in Brazil, the platform has translated nearly 2 billion words.
Hand Talk
Hand Talk App is widely used in classrooms, families and among sign language learners to help improve vocabulary and communication skills.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • In school classes, students use Hand Talk Alili for sign language interpretation and learning
  • In family gatherings, the deaf and the hearing-impaired communicate through Hand Talk Alili
  • Sign language learners use Hand Talk Alili to improve their sign language communication skills

The features of the tool:

  • Automatic sign language interpretation
  • Learning and education tools
  • Personalization and interaction
  • Offline access

Tool’s Tabs: Sign language, Interpreter

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