AI image tools


Online Logo making tool for entrepreneurs




logobean is an online Logo making tool that allows users to quickly generate a variety of Logo styles by entering a company or brand name, and freely edit and adjust them. The product offers high quality Logo files in PNG and SVG formats, as well as marketing images and brand guides for more than 100 social media platforms. logobean is priced in basic and premium versions at $29 and $49, respectively, which users can choose to purchase according to their needs.
Suitable for entrepreneurs and enterprises that need to quickly create a Logo
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • A designer who just started his own business used Logo Maker to create his own brand Logo
  • A small business used Logo Maker to create a new company Logo
  • A freelancer uses Logo Maker to create a personal brand Logo

The features of the tool:

  • Quickly generate multiple Logo styles
  • Provide high quality Logo files in PNG and SVG format
  • Marketing images and brand guides for more than 100 social media platforms
  • Two pricing plans are available, basic and premium

Tool’s Tabs: Logo production, brand design

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