

My AskAI is an AI customer support plugin designed for Zendesk users to provide efficient customer service at a lower cost. It automatically resolves up to 75% of customer support requests through AI technology, while maintaining compatibility with Zendesk’s existing chat widgets without additional training or tool changes. My AskAI is 5-10 times cheaper than Zendesk AI at just $0.10 per AI conversation and $198 per month, making it suitable for businesses with 2,000 monthly support tickets.
My AskAI is for businesses that need to reduce customer service costs while maintaining efficient customer service. It is especially suitable for businesses that have a large number of customer support requests per month, but don’t want to spend too much of their budget on AI customer service.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • A company with 2,000 monthly support notes can save $1,200 a month by using My AskAI.
  • A startup quickly set up AI customer service through My AskAI, reducing its reliance on human customer service.
  • An e-commerce website has improved customer satisfaction and reduced customer service response times by integrating My AskAI.

The features of the tool:

  • Compatible with existing Zendesk chat widgets, no replacement required.
  • Easily install My AskAI through Zendesk’s app marketplace.
  • Point to the help document to quickly train an AI customer service agent.
  • AI automatically resolves up to 75% of customer support requests.
  • Provide manual handover function when manual intervention is required.
  • Supports adding AI customer support to Zendesk accounts in about 30 minutes.

Steps for Use:

  • 1. Create My AskAI account.
  • 2. Train the AI chatbot to point to the help document.
  • 3. Install My AskAI plugin from Zendesk App Store.
  • 4. Point My AskAI to the Zendesk workspace.
  • 5. Start using AI to automate customer support requests.
  • 6. When manual intervention is required, the manual handover function is used.

Tool’s Tabs: AI customer service, cost effective

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