Ai design creation


A creative platform for turning ideas into design and code.




UImagine is an innovative online platform that allows users to capture designs and code by describing ideas, attaching screenshots, and explaining styles. It supports the rapid transformation of ideas into visual interfaces and functional implementations, providing a space for designers and developers to collaborate and innovate.
UImagine is for designers and developers who need to quickly turn ideas into real products. Whether it’s an individual project or a team collaboration, UImagine offers efficient solutions that help users save time and focus on creativity and implementation.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Designers use UImagine to quickly turn conceptual designs into real interfaces.
  • The development team collaborates on the design and coding of the project using UImagine.
  • Entrepreneurs use UImagine to turn business ideas into demonstrable product prototypes.

The features of the tool:

  • Users can get the design and code by describing the idea.
  • You can upload screenshots to help explain design requirements.
  • The user can specify the desired design style.
  • The platform provides a one-stop service for design and code.
  • Users can view real-time updates to the design and code.
  • Supports multiple device and screen sizes.

Steps for Use:

  • 1. Visit the UImagine website and register an account.
  • 2. Once logged in, describe your design idea or upload a screenshot of it.
  • 3. Choose your desired design style and functional requirements.
  • 4. Submit your requirements and wait for the platform to provide a design.
  • 5. Review the design scheme, and make feedback and modification as needed.
  • 6. After confirming the design scheme, obtain the corresponding code implementation.
  • 7. Apply design and code to your project.

Tool’s Tabs: Design, Code

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