AI Office Tools


Is a macOS application that helps you localize Xcode projects.




Xpolyglot is an application that uses artificial intelligence to help localize Xcode projects. It helps developers easily import Xcode projects, automatically translate string catalogs, manage global metadata, quickly update app versions, and provide cost-saving translation services. Xpolyglot helps developers bring their apps to the global market by providing accurate translation and globalization support.
Xpolyglot is for developers who want to localize their Xcode projects and expand the global market. It provides accurate translation and globalization support to help developers quickly bring their apps to the global market.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Developer A used Xliolyglot to localize their Xcode project into multiple languages and successfully enter the global market.
  • Developer B uses Xliolyglot to quickly update versions of their applications and provide accurate translation and globalization support.
  • Developer C saved a lot of translation costs by using Xliolyglot and brought their app to the global market.

The features of the tool:

  • Quickly import Xcode projects
  • Automatically translate string directories
  • Global metadata management
  • Quickly update application versions
  • Cost-saving translation services

Steps for Use:

  • Open the Xliolyglot application
  • Click the Import button to import your Xcode project
  • Select the language you want to translate
  • Click the Start Translation button
  • Wait for translation
  • Export the translated project file
  • Import the translated project file in Xcode
  • Done! Your app is now localized and supports multiple languages.

Tool’s Tabs: Translation, localization

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