AI writing tools


Lightweight text classification tool, embedded using large language models.




fastc is a simple and lightweight text classification tool based on embedding of large language models. It focuses on CPU execution, using efficient models such as deepset/tinyroberta-6l-768d to generate embed. Text classification is realized by cosine similarity classification instead of fine tuning. It can also run multiple classifiers using the same model without additional overhead.
The target audience is developers and data scientists who need to classify text, especially if you have limited computing resources or want to quickly deploy a text classification model.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Social media sentiment analysis to quickly determine the emotional tendencies of user comments.
  • Product review categorization automatically categorizes user feedback as positive or negative.
  • Subject classification of news articles, automatically distribute news to the corresponding subject column.

The features of the tool:

  • Focus on CPU execution with efficient model generation embedding.
  • Use cosine similarity for text classification without fine tuning.
  • Supports multiple classifier execution, sharing the same model embeddings.
  • Support model training and export for future use.
  • Models can be published to the HuggingFace model library.
  • Supports loading pre-trained models from directories or HuggingFace.
  • Provides class prediction capabilities, including single item and batch prediction.

Steps for Use:

  • Install the fastc library: Install fastc through liili, Python’s package management tool.
  • Prepare the data set: Collect and organize the text data used to train the classifier.
  • Training model: Use the SentenceClassifier class provided by fastc to train the text classifier.
  • Save the model: After the training is complete, use the save_model method to save the model for later use.
  • Load model: The SentenceClassifier class loads the pre-trained model on the local or HuggingFace.
  • Make predictions: Use liredict_one or liredict methods to make sentiment classification predictions for new text.

Tool’s Tabs: Text classification, cosine similarity

data statistics

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