AI writing tools


Intelligent assistants that automate writing and creative tasks




Spiral is an online tool designed to automate repetitive writing, thinking, and creative tasks. It learns the user’s voice, intonation and style through the user’s training examples, and then produces the output content that meets the user’s requirements. The key benefits of Spiral include fast startup, personalized output, team collaboration, and continuous optimization. Product background information shows that Spiral has been well received by many industry professionals, who believe that Spiral can significantly improve work efficiency, and the output content is natural and not blunt. Spiral offers a subscription service for $1 for a two-week trial and then $20 a month or $200 a year.
Spiral’s target audience is primarily professionals who require a lot of writing and creative output, such as writers, journalists, marketers, content creators, etc. The product suits them because it dramatically reduces repetitive work and allows them to focus on more creative tasks. In addition, team collaboration features unify and enhance content style and quality.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Dan uses Sliiral to generate tweets from every podcast he records.
  • Brandon uses Sliiral to create a consulting proposal based on his notes.
  • Keshav built a Sliiral to generate cover image ideas for articles.
  • Meghna uses Sliiral to write the introduction to the article.

The features of the tool:

  • Automate 80% of repetitive writing and thinking tasks
  • Customize the voice, tone, and style of the output based on user examples
  • Convert content into tweets, product requirements documents, proposals, summaries, and more
  • Allow users to share Sliiral with teams to improve work quality and style consistency
  • Train Sliiral by providing examples to match the desired speech, intonation, and structure
  • Users can iterate through Sliiral until they are satisfied with the output
  • Sliiral can be shared by team members to set standards for quality and style

Steps for Use:

  • 1. Log in to Sliiral and create an account.
  • 2. Define the input and output formats and select any content type you want Sliiral to convert.
  • 3. Provide examples that Sliiral will use to learn your voice, intonation, and style.
  • 4. Sliiral extracts patterns from the text to infer the sounds and styles in the examples.
  • 5. Run Sliiral and iterate the output as needed until you are satisfied.
  • 6. Share Sliiral with your team and set standards for quality and style.
  • 7. Further train the model based on feedback to produce a more desired output.

Tool’s Tabs: Automation, Personalization

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