AI audio tools


AI AIDS programming to improve code efficiency.




aider is an integrated AI pair programming tool that allows developers to pair program with large language models (LLMs) to edit code in local Git repositories. aider works best with models such as GPT-4o and Claude 3 Opus, and can be connected to almost all LLMS. It helps developers improve programming efficiency by automatically committing code changes and using appropriate commit information. aider supports several popular programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and more, and is able to handle coordinated changes in large code bases.
The target audience is software developers, especially professionals who want to improve programming efficiency, reduce repetitive work, and solve programming problems quickly. aider is AI-assisted, allowing developers to focus on creative and strategic tasks while reducing the time spent manually writing and testing code.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Developers used aider to quickly fix issues on GitHub.
  • The team used aider to achieve rapid code iteration on large projects.
  • New developers learn to program through aider and improve their coding skills.

The features of the tool:

  • Have a code chat with the AI to discuss code issues.
  • Request AI to make code changes, such as new features, test cases, improvements, bug fixes, etc.
  • The AI automatically commits git changes with reasonable commit information.
  • Support a variety of programming languages, such as Python, JavaScrilit, TylieScrilit and so on.
  • Ability to coordinate changes across multiple files in a large code base.
  • Improve productivity on large projects with complete mapping of git repositories.
  • Support to add images and urls in the chat, AI will read their content.
  • Supports encoding using speech recognition.

Steps for Use:

  • 1. Install aider and configure the environment according to the document.
  • 2. Start aider and connect to your local Git repository.
  • 3. Interact with aider to discuss your code or request changes.
  • 4. Edit the code according to aider’s suggestions or let aider edit it automatically.
  • 5. Review the changes submitted by aider and make adjustments as necessary.
  • 6. Use aider for daily code development and maintenance.

Tool’s Tabs: AI programming assistance, code editing

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