AI audio tools


Turn still portraits and input audio into vivid animated conversation videos




AniTalker is an innovative framework that is capable of generating realistic conversational facial animation from a single portrait. It enhances movement performance through two self-supervised learning strategies, while developing an identity encoder through metric learning, effectively reducing the need for labeled data. Not only is AniTalker able to create detailed and realistic facial movements, it also highlights its potential for making dynamic avatars in real-world applications.
AniTalker is suitable for professionals and enthusiasts who need to create realistic animated videos, such as video producers, game developers, advertising agencies, and social media content creators. It can provide a novel way to present information and enhance the interactive experience of the audience.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • About a wonderful journey to Mars for a five-year-old
  • The idea of telling modern life as the Mona Lisa
  • Compare the effect of different audio driver and video driver methods

The features of the tool:

  • Generate realistic conversational facial animation from a single portrait
  • Capture facial dynamics through self-supervised learning strategies
  • Develop identity encoders using metric learning
  • Minimize mutual information between identity and motion encoders
  • Generate diverse and controlled facial animations
  • Reduce reliance on labeled data
  • Suitable for real-world applications such as dynamic avatar creation

Steps for Use:

  • 1. Visit the AniTalker web page
  • 2. Select a static portrait as input
  • 3. Provide an input audio
  • 4. Select the desired animation effect and style
  • 5. Start the animation generation process
  • 6. Wait for AniTalker to process and generate an animated video
  • 7. Download or share the generated animated video

Tool’s Tabs: Animations, facial expressions

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