AI audio tools


Use LLMs locally to generate music based on natural language prompts.




MusicGPT is an application that allows the latest music generation AI models to be run locally on any platform in a high-performance way. It supports text conditional music generation, melody conditional music generation, and indefinite length/unlimited music streaming. The advantage of the product is that it does not need to install heavy dependencies such as Python or machine learning frameworks, and can run AI models locally, providing natural language prompts to generate music.
MusicGPT is for music lovers, creators and researchers. The ability to generate music through natural language prompts allows users to easily and quickly create and explore different styles of music.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Music creators use MusicGPT to generate inspiration.
  • Researchers explore AI music generation technology.
  • Music lovers experiment with different styles of music creation.

The features of the tool:

  • Support for text conditional music generation
  • Support for melody condition music generation
  • Generates a stream of music of indefinite length
  • Allows the latest music generation AI models to run locally at high performance
  • Provides user-friendly natural language prompts to generate music

Steps for Use:

  • Use brew to install MusicGPT on Mac and Linux.
  • Download executable files on Windows.
  • Using Docker recommends running CUDA-enabled Gpus.
  • Install the Rust toolchain through cargo and install MusicGPT.
  • In UI mode, execute the musicglit command to open the Web application and generate music with natural language prompts.
  • In CLI mode, you can generate music by providing music prompts on the CLI.

Tool’s Tabs: Music, artificial intelligence

data statistics

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