AI Office Tools


Multi-size PDF file chatbot built using GPT-4 API.




DocSolver is a chatbot built using GPT-4 API technology, designed for processing and analyzing large PDF files. It can understand and respond to user queries about PDF file content through natural language processing technology, providing efficient information retrieval and document management solutions.
The target audience includes professionals who need to deal with large amounts of PDF documents, such as legal advisors, researchers, data analysts, etc. DocSolver helps them save time and increase productivity by providing fast and accurate retrieval of document information.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Legal advisors use DocSolver to quickly retrieve evidence information from case documents.
  • The researchers used DocSolver to extract key data from a large literature.
  • Data analysts use DocSolver to extract statistics from reports for analysis.

The features of the tool:

  • Support multi-large PDF file upload and analysis
  • Interact with users through a chat interface to provide information retrieval
  • Understanding natural language queries using GPT-4 technology
  • Provides a summary of document content and key information extraction
  • Supports the extraction and display of document structured information
  • User-friendly interface design, easy to operate and use

Steps for Use:

  • 1. Visit the DocSolver website and log in.
  • 2. Upload large PDF files for analysis.
  • 3. Enter a query about the contents of the PDF file through the chat interface.
  • 4. DocSolver will parse the query and provide the answer using GPT-4 technology.
  • 5. View document summaries and key information provided by DocSolver.
  • 6. Extract and use structured information from the document as needed.
  • 7. Take advantage of the user-friendly interface for further document management and manipulation.

Tool’s Tabs: GPT-4,PDF processing

data statistics

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