

InsightJini is an artificial intelligence tool that allows users to upload their own data, chat with the data, and gain a deeper understanding of the data and gain insights. It has natural language processing capabilities that can parse user questions and extract answers from data. Users can upload structured data files such as Excel, and the tool will automatically analyze the data and present visual results such as data distribution and relationships for users. Users can also ask questions through chat, such as the distribution trend of data, the comparison of different dimensions, outlier analysis, etc., and can get systematic answers.
Exploratory analysis of data to identify problems, opportunities and potential value in the data
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Upload an Excel table with user behavior data to view the distribution of user group characteristics
  • Upload user purchase data from e-commerce platforms to explore the consumption preferences of different user groups
  • Upload game user data and analyze the game time distribution of players of different levels

The features of the tool:

  • Upload and analyze structured data such as Excel
  • Automatically analyze data for visualization
  • Enables users to ask questions in natural language, parse questions, and return answers from data

Tool’s Tabs: Form processing. Form processing

data statistics

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