AI Office Tools

Product Monkey AI

Use AI to quickly generate product requirement documents and task orders from design drafts




Product Monkey AI is an AI-based online tool that can quickly generate product requirement documents and engineering task workorders drafts from product design drafts and wireframing drawings. It can greatly reduce the time spent manually writing documents and work orders, and improve team efficiency.
Product Monkey AI

Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Product managers can upload design drafts and generate product requirements documents with one click
  • Developers can quickly understand the specific requirements of the product
  • No need to manually type, greatly improve work efficiency

The features of the tool:

  • Upload product design draft
  • The AI recognizes the information in the design draft
  • Generate a draft product requirements document
  • Generate a draft of the engineering task work order
  • Supports exporting and sharing documents

Tool’s Tabs: Efficiency Assistant,AI documentation tool

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