AI writing tools


Ability to create magical stories by generating consistent images and videos.




StoryDiffusion is an open source image and video generation model that generates coherent long sequences of images and videos through a consistent self-attention mechanism and motion predictor. The main advantage of this model is its ability to generate images with character consistency, and it can be extended to video generation, giving users a new way to create long videos. The model has a positive impact on the field of AI-driven image and video generation and encourages users to use the tool responsibly.

Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Use StoryDiffusion to generate a series of manga style images.
  • Create a long video based on text prompts that show a coherent story.
  • Use StoryDiffusion for character design and pre-visualization of scene layout.

The features of the tool:

  • Consistent self-attention mechanism: generating consistent images of characters in a growth sequence.
  • Motion Predictor: Predicts motion in a compressed image semantic space for greater motion prediction.
  • Comic Generation: Create videos with seamless transitions from images generated by consistent self-attention mechanisms.
  • Image-to-video generation: Provide a conditional image sequence of user input to generate video.
  • Two-stage Long video generation: Combine two parts to generate very long and high quality AIGC video.
  • Conditional image use: The image-to-video model can generate video by providing a series of conditional images for user input.
  • Short video generation: Provides fast video generation results.

Steps for Use:

  • Step 1: Visit StoryDiffusion’s GitHub page and download the source code.
  • Step 2: Make sure you have Python 3.8 or later installed on your computer, as well as PyTorch 2.0.0 or later.
  • Step 3: Generate the comic by running the provided Juliyter notebook or launching a local gradio demo.
  • Step 4: Provide at least 3 text prompts to the Consistent Self-attention module as needed to generate a consistent image of the character.
  • Step 5: Using the generated image as the conditional image, generate the video through the StoryDiffusion image to the video model.
  • Step 6: Adjust and optimize the generated images and videos to meet specific creative needs.

Tool’s Tabs: AI generation, image generation

data statistics

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