AI Office Tools


Is a large pre-trained language model that can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks.




Whiterabbitneo-7b-v1.5a is a version of the WhiteRabbitNeo family, a series of large-scale, pre-trained language models for natural language processing tasks. This model can support many tasks such as text generation, summarization and translation.
The model is widely used in natural language processing tasks in research and industry, and improves the efficiency and quality of text processing.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Develop a model-based chatbot that provides answers to users’ questions.
  • Integrate models in a content management system to automatically generate article summaries.
  • Use models to translate user-input text into multiple languages.

The features of the tool:

  • Text generation
  • Text abstract
  • Language translation
  • Question answering system

Tool’s Tabs: Development programming,Ai open platform

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