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Is an intelligent travel planning assistant




BetterTravel is an AI-powered smart travel planning assistant. It can customize the perfect itinerary according to the user’s needs, providing unique travel insights and recommendations to turn dream trips into reality. BetterTravel discovers destinations, activities, and tips to inspire and plan every trip. Key features include: intelligent trip planning, matching the best route according to user preferences and budget; Destination discovery, discovering unique and interesting locations around the globe; Customize recommendations, users describe their ideal trip, and BetterTravel matches them with the perfect recommendation.
BetterTravel is for anyone who wants to plan the perfect trip, whether they are traveling domestically or abroad. It provides intelligent itinerary design and travel advice to help users realize their dream trip.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Sofia is planning a three-day trip to Barcelona. She describes her ideal itinerary at BetterTravel, which has created a customized itinerary for her that includes food, shopping and cultural attractions.
  • Jack wanted to experience Southeast Asian food and culture on a budget, and he got a recommendation for a 3-day trip to Bangkok, Thailand, in BetterTravel’s International Trips section.
  • Mary wanted to plan a road trip to Iceland for her parents, and she submitted a request at BetterTravel to get detailed driving directions, attractions, and hotel recommendations.

The features of the tool:

  • Intelligent trip planning
  • Destination discovery
  • Customized suggestion

Tool’s Tabs: Fun, games and entertainment

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