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Make reading more fun and use gamification to increase reading volume.




BookSlice is a gamified reading app for busy people that uses psychological principles to help users build reading habits and maintain reading continuity by setting daily challenges. It uses psychological tools such as implementation intention and habit superposition to make reading habitual and addictive. In addition, BookSlice offers an AI question-and-answer feature to help users get contextual answers during reading.
BookSlice is for those who want to read more but have limited time. Students, professionals, or anyone looking to add more reading to their daily lives can cultivate reading habits with BookSlice’s gamification mechanics and mental strategies.
Usage Scenario Examples:

  • Students use BookSlice to increase their reading and improve their literary literacy in their spare time.
  • Busy professionals enrich their knowledge by reading on the commute with BookSlice.
  • Language learners use BookSlice to read foreign language books and improve their language skills.

The features of the tool:

  • Use the habit overlay strategy to increase your reading through Telegram alerts.
  • Set daily challenges and use the incentive of continuous reading to maintain your reading habit.
  • The AI question and answer function provides contextual answers to the contents of the book.
  • Support EPUB format ebooks, widely compatible with a variety of devices.
  • The application of psychological tools, such as implementing intention and situational cue, enhances reading motivation.
  • A one-month free trial period is offered, after which $2 per month is charged.

Steps for Use:

  • 1. Download and install the Telegram app on your phone.
  • 2. Search for and add BookSlice Telegram bot.
  • 3. Select the EPUB format ebook you want to read.
  • 4. Start your reading journey with a daily reading challenge.
  • 5. Use BookSlice’s AI question-and-answer function to solve questions in reading.
  • 6. Keep reading by receiving reminders via Telegram.
  • 7. Enjoy a free trial period of one month, and decide whether to continue your subscription after the trial period is over based on your satisfaction.

Tool’s Tabs: Reading, gamification

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